Silver Solhelm XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Silver Solmail XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Silver Solbraces XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Silver Solfaulds XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Silver Solgreaves XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× Silver Solhelm XR 126 ~ 164 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ――― Handicraft:+8
× Silver Solmail XR 126 ~ 164 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ◯―― Handicraft:+5
× Silver Solbraces XR 126 ~ 164 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ◯―― Critical Up:+4
× Silver Solfaulds XR 126 ~ 164 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ――― Critical Up:+8
× Silver Solgreaves XR 126 ~ 164 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ――― Handicraft:+5 Critical Up:+2
630 ~ 820 +10 -25 -20 - +20 2 Handicraft:+18 Critical Up:+14

Handicraft +18 Skills that increase your weapon's Sharpness. (Blademaster Only)
Critical Up +14 Skills that increase the damage of critical hits.

Lv Silver Solhelm XR Silver Solmail XR Silver Solbraces XR Silver Solfaulds XR Silver Solgreaves XR
12,540z 12,540z 12,540z 12,540z 12,540z

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