Silver Solhelm Z
Silver Rathalos headgear made of brilliant metal. It contains the power of a raging inferno.

Silver Solmail Z
Chest armor that shines bright like a silver flame. Attacks burn away before they can hit.

Silver Solbraces Z
Armguards born from the silver wyvern who slices the sky. They sharpen the tips of wielded swords.

Silver Solcoil Z
Waist armor devoted to the silver sun. As close to flawless as one could ever get.

Silver Solgreaves Z
Elegant leg armor that leaves a faint trail of silver behind it. The sheen will never dull.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× Silver Solhelm Z 130 ~ 168 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ◯◯― Tenderizer:+2 Critical Up:+2 Spirit:+2
× Silver Solmail Z 130 ~ 168 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ――― Tenderizer:+1 Critical Up:+3 Spirit:+2
× Silver Solbraces Z 130 ~ 168 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ◯◯― Tenderizer:+2 Critical Up:+2 Spirit:+2
× Silver Solcoil Z 130 ~ 168 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ◯◯― Tenderizer:+2 Critical Up:+1 Spirit:+2
× Silver Solgreaves Z 130 ~ 168 +2 -5 -4 - +4 ◯―― Tenderizer:+3 Critical Up:+2 Spirit:+2
650 ~ 840 +10 -25 -20 - +20 7 Tenderizer:+10 Critical Up:+10 Spirit:+10

Tenderizer +10 Skills that increase damage when striking body parts upon which your attacks are highly effective.
Critical Up +10 Skills that increase the damage of critical hits.
Spirit +10 Skills that increase your abilities when a large monster becomes angry.

Lv Silver Solhelm Z Silver Solmail Z Silver Solbraces Z Silver Solcoil Z Silver Solgreaves Z
12,980z 12,980z 12,980z 12,980z 12,980z
Key S.Rath Cortex x4
Key S.Rath Lash x1
Key S.Rath Cortex x4
Key S.Rath Cortex x2

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