Chain Helm X
Sturdy head armor made from quality ore. Reliable mail that has protected countless hunters.

Chain Mail X
Sturdy chest armor made of chainmail. Responsible for saving many a hunter's life.

Chain Vambraces X
Sturdy arm equipment made of chain mail that's easy to use.

Chainmail Faulds X
Sturdy waist armor crafted with a special process. Thin and light on the hips.

Chainmail Greaves X
Sturdy leg armor. Made with as little metal as possible, so as to be easy to wear.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× Chain Helm X 78 ~ 120 - - +1 - - ◯◯◯ Health:+1 Light Eater:+3
× Chain Mail X 78 ~ 120 - - +1 - - ◯―― Health:+3
× Chain Vambraces X 78 ~ 120 - - +1 - - ◯―― Health:+3 Light Eater:+4
× Chainmail Faulds X 78 ~ 120 - - +1 - - ◯◯― Light Eater:+3
× Chainmail Greaves X 78 ~ 120 - - +1 - - ◯―― Health:+5
390 ~ 600 - - +5 - - 8 Health:+12 Light Eater:+10

Health +12 Skills that affect the maximum size of your Health Gauge.
Light Eater +10 Skills that give you a chance of reusing items you eat and drink.

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