Guild Bard Hat S
Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Comes with a lovely feather.

Guild Bard Vest S
Foreign Guild Knight equipment that only a select few are permitted to wear.

Guild Bard Sleeves S
Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Children yearn to wear them.

Guild Bard Coat S
Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. To don this is an honor.

Guild Bard Gaiters S
Leg armor used by foreign Guild Knights. Official uniform issue.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× × Guild Bard Hat S 25 ~ 61 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+3 TeamLeader:+2
× × Guild Bard Vest S 25 ~ 61 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2
× × Guild Bard Sleeves S 25 ~ 61 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2
× × Guild Bard Coat S 25 ~ 61 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2
× × Guild Bard Gaiters S 25 ~ 61 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+1 TeamLeader:+2
125 ~ 305 - - - - - 5 Fate:+10 TeamLeader:+10

Fate +10 Skills that affect Quest Rewards, except in special cases.
TeamLeader +10 Skills that let you invigorate Palicoes that accompany you during Quests.

Lv Guild Bard Hat S Guild Bard Vest S Guild Bard Sleeves S Guild Bard Coat S Guild Bard Gaiters S
6,950z 6,950z 6,950z 6,950z 6,950z

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