EX Storge Helm
Traditional head armor forged from Shagaru Magala spoils. Exhibits new capabilities.

EX Storge Mail
Traditional mail forged from Shagaru Magala spoils. Exhibits new capabilities.

EX Storge Vambraces
Traditional vambraces forged from Shagaru Magala spoils. Exhibits new capabilities.

EX Storge Faulds
Traditional faulds forged from Shagaru Magala spoils. Exhibits new capabilities.

EX Storge Greaves
Traditional leg armor forged from Shagaru Magala spoils. Exhibits new capabilities.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× × EX Storge Helm 72 ~ 144 -2 +2 - +2 -4 ◯◯― Chance:+3 Guard:+2 Light Eater:+1
× × EX Storge Mail 72 ~ 144 -2 +2 - +2 -4 ――― Chance:+1 Guard:+3 Light Eater:+2
× × EX Storge Vambraces 72 ~ 144 -2 +2 - +2 -4 ◯◯― Chance:+2 Guard:+2 Light Eater:+3
× × EX Storge Faulds 72 ~ 144 -2 +2 - +2 -4 ◯◯― Chance:+2 Guard:+1 Light Eater:+2
× × EX Storge Greaves 72 ~ 144 -2 +2 - +2 -4 ――― Chance:+2 Guard:+4 Light Eater:+2
360 ~ 720 -10 +10 - +10 -20 6 Chance:+10 Guard:+12 Light Eater:+10

Chance +10 Skills that increase the power of your Hunter Arts when an opportunity presents itself during a fight with a large monster.
Guard +12 Skills that affect the likelihood of standing your ground when blocking an attack.
Light Eater +10 Skills that give you a chance of reusing items you eat and drink.

Lv EX Storge Helm EX Storge Mail EX Storge Vambraces EX Storge Faulds EX Storge Greaves
11,660z 11,660z 11,660z 11,660z 11,660z

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