Plesioth Cap X
Head armor made from Plesioth scales, adorned with fins. Strong against Water attacks.

Plesioth Vest X
Chest armor made by adding decorative fins to a suit woven with Plesioth parts. What a collar!

Plesioth Guards X
Armguards woven from Plesioth scales and decorated with fins. Highly Water-resistant.

Plesioth Leggings X
Leg armor sewn with Plesioth scales and matching fins. Known for their high Water Resistance.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× Plesioth Cap X 68 ~ 95 -2 +5 -4 +2 +1 ◯―― Mounting:+3 Vault:+2 Capturer:+3 Stam Recov:+2
× Plesioth Vest X 68 ~ 95 -2 +5 -4 +2 +1 ◯―― Mounting:+3 Vault:+2 Capturer:+2 Stam Recov:+2
× Plesioth Guards X 68 ~ 95 -2 +5 -4 +2 +1 ◯―― Mounting:+2 Vault:+2 Capturer:+3 Stam Recov:+3
× Plesioth Leggings X 68 ~ 95 -2 +5 -4 +2 +1 ◯―― Mounting:+2 Vault:+4 Capturer:+2 Stam Recov:+3
272 ~ 380 -8 +20 -16 +8 +4 4 Mounting:+10 Vault:+10 Capturer:+10 Stam Recov:+10

Mounting +10 Skills that make it easier to mount and topple monsters.
Vault +10 Skills that increase the damage of Jumping Attacks.
Capturer +10 Skills that affect the number of Reward Items obtained for capturing monsters.
Stam Recov +10 Skills that affect Stamina recovery speed.

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