Giant Lobstershell

A large shell from a King Lobster that was used as bait. Very rare.

Rare 9 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 6,540z

Hub G3 // Diabolical Deluge Reward1 x2 8%
Hub G2 // Shadows in the Desert Lake Reward1 x1 6%
Hub G2 // Please Plesioth Me! Reward1 x1 6%
Hub G4 // Seeking the Sea King Reward1 x2 5%
Hub DLC // Fan Club: Climbing The Ranks Reward1 x2 5%
Hunters for Hire
Awful Guest Reward1 x1 7%
Awful Guest Reward2 x1 6%
G Rank Plesioth Shiny Drop x1 15%
G Rank Lagiacrus Body Carve x1 5%
G Rank Lagiacrus Shiny Drop x1 5%
G Rank Plesioth Capture x1 10%
G Rank Plesioth Wound Head x1 8%
G Rank Lagiacrus Wound Head x1 8%
G Rank Lagiacrus Capture x1 6%

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