Guild Bard Hat
Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Comes with a lovely feather.

Guild Bard Vest
Foreign Guild Knight equipment that only a select few are permitted to wear.

Guild Bard Sleeves
Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Children yearn to wear them.

Guild Bard Coat
Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. To don this is an honor.

Guild Bard Gaiters
Leg armor used by foreign Guild Knights. Official uniform issue.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× × Guild Bard Hat 10 ~ 35 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+3 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
× × Guild Bard Vest 10 ~ 35 - - - - - ――― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
× × Guild Bard Sleeves 10 ~ 35 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
× × Guild Bard Coat 10 ~ 35 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
× × Guild Bard Gaiters 10 ~ 35 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+1 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
50 ~ 175 - - - - - 4 Fate:+10 TeamLeader:+10 Whim:-10

Fate +10 Skills that affect Quest Rewards, except in special cases.
TeamLeader +10 Skills that let you invigorate Palicoes that accompany you during Quests.
Whim -10 Skills that affect how easily Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerangs, Flutes, and Horns break.

Lv Guild Bard Hat Guild Bard Vest Guild Bard Sleeves Guild Bard Coat Guild Bard Gaiters
1,430z 1,430z 1,430z 1,430z 1,430z

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