Guild Bard Lobos
Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Features a colorful feather.

Guild Bard Bolero
Foreign knight equipment that few are permitted to wear. Redolent of chivalry.

Guild Bard Braces
Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Imbued with knightly pride.

Guild Bard Coil
Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Not usually worn by hunters.

Guild Bard Boots
Leg armor used by foreign Guild Knights. Full of chivalrous honor.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× × Guild Bard Lobos 20 ~ 70 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
× × Guild Bard Bolero 20 ~ 70 - - - - - ――― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
× × Guild Bard Braces 20 ~ 70 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
× × Guild Bard Coil 20 ~ 70 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
× × Guild Bard Boots 20 ~ 70 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 TeamLeader:+2 Whim:-2
100 ~ 350 - - - - - 4 Fate:+10 TeamLeader:+10 Whim:-10

Fate +10 Skills that affect Quest Rewards, except in special cases.
TeamLeader +10 Skills that let you invigorate Palicoes that accompany you during Quests.
Whim -10 Skills that affect how easily Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerangs, Flutes, and Horns break.

Lv Guild Bard Lobos Guild Bard Bolero Guild Bard Braces Guild Bard Coil Guild Bard Boots
1,430z 1,430z 1,430z 1,430z 1,430z

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