Hunter's Helm XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Hunter's Mail XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Hunter's Vambraces XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Hunter's Faulds XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Hunter's Greaves XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× Hunter's Helm XR 84 ~ 126 - - - - - ◯◯― Spirit:+5 Guard:-4
× Hunter's Mail XR 84 ~ 126 - - - - - ◯―― Spirit:+2 Perception:+2 Guard:-2
× Hunter's Vambraces XR 84 ~ 126 - - - - - ――― Spirit:+5 Perception:+3 Guard:-2
× Hunter's Faulds XR 84 ~ 126 - - - - - ◯―― Perception:+5
× Hunter's Greaves XR 84 ~ 126 - - - - - ◯―― Spirit:+3 Perception:+4 Guard:-1
420 ~ 630 - - - - - 5 Spirit:+15 Guard:-9 Perception:+14

Spirit +15 Skills that increase your abilities when a large monster becomes angry.
Guard -9 Skills that affect the likelihood of standing your ground when blocking an attack.
Perception +14 Skills that allow you to know exactly when it is possible to capture large monsters.

Lv Hunter's Helm XR Hunter's Mail XR Hunter's Vambraces XR Hunter's Faulds XR Hunter's Greaves XR
6,300z 6,300z 6,300z 6,300z 6,300z

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