Maiden's Hat X
Standard women's headwear for a certain region's devoted Guild clerks.

Maiden's Suit X
Chest wear for one region's Guild clerks. Designed for the desk, fit for the hunt.

Maiden's Gloves X
Women's arm wear for one region's Guild clerks. Functional and battle-ready.

Maiden's Skirt X
Women's waist wear that one region's Guild and Smithy collaborated on to design.

Maiden's Socks X
Commercial version of the socks worn by pretty shop girls. For women.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× × Maiden's Hat X 102 ~ 144 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 Team Player:+2 Brutality:+2
× × Maiden's Suit X 102 ~ 144 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 Team Player:+2 Brutality:+1
× × Maiden's Gloves X 102 ~ 144 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 Team Player:+2 Brutality:+2
× × Maiden's Skirt X 102 ~ 144 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 Team Player:+2 Brutality:+3
× × Maiden's Socks X 102 ~ 144 - - - - - ◯―― Fate:+2 Team Player:+2 Brutality:+2
510 ~ 720 - - - - - 5 Fate:+10 Team Player:+10 Brutality:+10

Fate +10 Skills that affect Quest Rewards, except in special cases.
Team Player +10 Skills that increase the abilities of Palicoes that accompany you during Quests.
Brutality +10 Compound skills that simultaneously trigger two or more skills.

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