Akantor Fangs XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Akantor Plate XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Akantor Gauntlets XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Akantor Sash XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Akantor Boots XR
Crafted using Hyper materials and special techniques to grant new capabilities.

Blademaster Gunner Male Female Defense Fir Wat Thn Ice Dra Slots Skill
× Akantor Fangs XR 76 ~ 100 +4 - -3 +2 -4 ◯―― Loading:+8 Hearing:+1
× Akantor Plate XR 76 ~ 100 +4 - -3 +2 -4 ――― Hearing:+5 Loading:+4
× Akantor Gauntlets XR 76 ~ 100 +4 - -3 +2 -4 ◯―― Pierce Up:+5 Hearing:+3 Loading:+2
× Akantor Sash XR 76 ~ 100 +4 - -3 +2 -4 ◯―― Hearing:+8
× Akantor Boots XR 76 ~ 100 +4 - -3 +2 -4 ◯◯― Pierce Up:+7
380 ~ 500 +20 - -15 +10 -20 5 Loading:+14 Hearing:+17 Pierce Up:+12

Loading +14 Skills that increase the ammo capacity of Bowguns and Gunlances, the phial capacity of Charge Blades, and the charge attack capacity of Bows.
Hearing +17 Skills that negate the effects of large monsters' roars.
Pierce Up +12 Skills that increase the power of Pierce shots (Pierce S) and Pierce-type arrows. (Gunner Only)

Lv Akantor Fangs XR Akantor Plate XR Akantor Gauntlets XR Akantor Sash XR Akantor Boots XR
12,760z 12,760z 12,760z 12,760z 12,760z

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