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Hub G2 // La mela regina? Reward1 x2 18%
Hub G2 // Mostro rotolante Reward1 x2 18%
Hub G2 // Mostro rotolante Sub x2 18%
Hub G2 // L'evolviluzione dell'umanità Reward1 x2 18%
Hub G1 // Rincorri quell'uccellaccio! Sub x1 15%
Hub G3 // Palestra di caccia: wushu fulmineo Sub x1 15%
Hub G2 // Luci brillanti Reward1 x2 15%
Hub G3 // Ritorno dalle rovine elevate Sub x2 15%
Hub G1 // Disinfestazione Reward2 x2 14%
Hub G1 // Disinfestazione Reward1 x2 14%
Hub G3 // Passerella reale Sub x2 14%
Hub G2 // Luci brillanti Reward1 x1 12%
Hub G3 // Ritorno dalle rovine elevate Sub x1 12%
Hub G3 // Spezzapelle Nerscylla Reward2 x1 12%
Hub G4 // Battibecco tra Seltas Reward1 x1 12%
Hub DLC // Legend of Zelda: Saggezza Reward2 x1 12%
Hub G1 // Rincorri quell'uccellaccio! Sub x2 10%
Hub G2 // Studio ecologico sui Nerscylla Reward1 x2 10%
Hub G2 // Studio ecologico sui Nerscylla Sub x2 10%
Hub G2 // L'ombra nella caverna Sub x2 10%
Hub G3 // Paura alla foresta primordiale Reward1 x2 10%
Hub G3 // Cacciatona: Gravios Sub x2 10%
Hub G1 // Bnahabra nello stomaco Reward1 x1 9%
Hub G4 // Battibecco tra Seltas Reward2 x1 9%
Hub G3 // Spezzapelle Nerscylla Reward1 x2 7%
Hub G3 // Temnoceranofobia Reward1 x2 6%
Hub G3 // Si alzi il sipario Reward2 x2 6%
Hub G4 // Danza con la morte Reward2 x2 6%
Hub DLC // Incubo Nerscylla Reward1 x2 6%
Hub DLC // Incubo Nerscylla Reward2 x2 6%
Hub DLC // Legend of Zelda: Saggezza Reward1 x2 6%
Hub G3 // Cacciatona: Gravios Sub x3 6%
Hub G3 // Passerella reale Reward1 x2 5%
Hub G3 // La guardia reale Reward1 x2 5%
Hub G3 // La guardia reale Sub x2 5%
Hunters for Hire
Luci brillanti Reward2 x2 27%
Luci brillanti Reward1 x2 27%
Collezione di Neopteron Reward1 x2 22%
Collezione di Neopteron Reward2 x2 22%
Tutto sull'Altaroth Reward2 x2 20%
Tutto sull'Altaroth Reward1 x2 20%
Volvidon a rotoli Reward1 x1 18%
Volvidon a rotoli Reward2 x1 18%
Disinfestazione Reward1 x1 14%
Disinfestazione Reward2 x1 14%
Attacco di insetti giganti! Reward1 x3 12%
Attacco di insetti giganti! Reward2 x3 12%
Collezionista di Konchu Reward1 x2 10%
Collezionista di Konchu Reward2 x2 10%
Studio ecologico sui Nerscylla Reward1 x2 10%
Studio ecologico sui Nerscylla Reward2 x2 10%
Collezionista di Konchu Reward2 x3 6%
Collezionista di Konchu Reward1 x3 6%
La guardia reale Reward1 x2 5%
La guardia reale Reward2 x2 5%
G Rank Bnahabra Body Carve x1 24%
G Rank Hornetaur Body Carve x1 20%
G Rank Vespoid Body Carve x1 20%
G Rank Altaroth Shiny Drop x1 20%
G Rank Insetto-tuono grande Body Carve x1 20%
G Rank Insetto-tuono grande Shiny Drop x1 20%
G Rank Seltas Shiny Drop x1 20%
G Rank Altaroth Body Carve x1 15%
G Rank Konchu Body Carve x1 15%
G Rank Nerscylla Shiny Drop x1 15%
G Rank Altaroth Shiny Drop x1 10%
G Rank Altaroth Shiny Drop x1 10%
G Rank Altaroth Shiny Drop x1 10%
G Rank Seltas Capture x1 10%
G Rank Seltas Capture x2 5%

Charge Blade Galvaninsetto LV4 x6
Insect Glaive Falcione aereo LV8 x4
Insect Glaive Happa bisezionatore LV4 x6
Long Sword Zefiro LV5 x4
Great Sword Vulcamagnon LV5 x4
Hammer Revolver mortale LV5 x6
Hammer Martello turbo LV4 x6
Lance Corona rovina LV5 x4
Bow Arko Unu (B) LV5 x4
Switch Axe Spezza anime LV5 x4
Gunlance Genteel Gore LV4 x5
Dual Blades Trancia-insetti LV7 x5
Dual Blades Tifone LV4 x5
Dual Blades Artigli di Tigrex LV5 x3
Dual Blades Falci del Capo LV9 x4
Dual Blades Chele di aragosta LV6 x3
Dual Blades Mulintranelli LV5 x6
Dual Blades Waga Ro LV5 x5
Dual Blades Ali gargolla LV5 x1
Dual Blades Pugnali Marmor LV12 x4
Charge Blade Aracnofalce LV4 x5
Insect Glaive Mazza sapiente LV9 x5
Insect Glaive Lama di Hiten LV9 x3
Insect Glaive Falcione aereo LV9 x4
Insect Glaive Falcione supremo LV4 x4
Insect Glaive Falc. robusto redux LV6 x2
Insect Glaive Falcione mezzanotte LV4 x4
Insect Glaive Hortadent Brada LV7 x2
Insect Glaive Saetta azzurra LV6 x2
Insect Glaive Mezzaluna Magia LV6 x5
Insect Glaive Falcione furtivo redux LV4 x5
Hunting Horn Corno dei nativi LV6 x5
Hunting Horn Violoncello Unu LV8 x4
Hunting Horn Violoncello Unu (R) LV7 x2
Hunting Horn Violoncello Unu (B) LV7 x2
Hunting Horn Scettro fatato LV5 x5
Hunting Horn Vetro reale LV1 x5
Heavy Bowgun Cannone Seltas LV4 x3
Heavy Bowgun Tripofobia LV8 x6
Heavy Bowgun Cannone a scoppio LV4 x5
Light Bowgun Vampa valchiria LV9 x5
Light Bowgun Cannone mozzo LV5 x4
Light Bowgun Cacciatore wyvern LV5 x5
Light Bowgun Isola del demone LV6 x5
Long Sword Cupidigia tigride LV5 x5
Long Sword Katana nera III LV9 x6
Long Sword Zefiro LV6 x5
Long Sword Superlama mosca-corno LV6 x5
Long Sword Urlo sanguinario LV4 x5
Long Sword Euros LV2 x3
Long Sword Sciabola della scoperta LV3 x2
Great Sword Spada ignea LV4 x5
Great Sword Spadone Tigrex LV5 x3
Great Sword Vulcamagnon LV6 x5
Great Sword Mischiaformaggio LV7 x5
Great Sword Lama immolatrice LV4 x5
Sword & Shield Secta Unu LV8 x4
Sword & Shield Teschio dell'ira LV6 x5
Sword & Shield Wagga Wagga LV5 x5
Sword & Shield Nerspada LV4 x5
Hammer Gigante di ferro LV11 x5
Hammer Revolver mortale LV6 x3
Hammer Frantoio rovente LV4 x2
Hammer Martello del castigo LV8 x4
Hammer Gran Gaiarch LV6 x5
Lance Zanna brutale LV5 x5
Lance Zanna selvaggia LV6 x5
Lance Zanna orco LV5 x5
Lance Lancia oscura LV6 x3
Lance Corona rovina LV6 x5
Lance Elettrodo LV4 x4
Bow Arko Du (B) LV8 x5
Bow Arco ultrasonico LV8 x8
Bow Volo notturno LV5 x3
Bow Arco eroso LV6 x5
Bow Arco glaciale LV5 x1
Bow Nershock LV4 x5
Switch Axe Araxxis LV9 x4
Switch Axe Ascia Daidalos LV9 x4
Switch Axe Sfregio massimo LV6 x5
Switch Axe Spezza anime LV6 x5
Gunlance L-fucile colosso LV6 x4
Gunlance Fiore Unu LV8 x4
Gunlance Lancia-fucile mistica LV5 x5
Gunlance Aviofucile solido LV4 x5
Cotta caccia X LV1 x2
Parabraccia caccia X LV1 x2
Pettorina caccia X LV1 x2
Protezioni caccia X LV1 x2
Stivali Loc Lac X LV1 x2
Paramani trapper X LV1 x3
Parast. trapper X LV1 x3
Coprimano trapper X LV1 x3
Stivali trapper X LV1 x3
Giacca Melahoa X LV1 x3
Stelo Melahoa X LV1 x3
Giacca Melahoa Z LV1 x3
Stelo Melahoa Z LV1 x3
Jambe Necrologio X LV1 x4
Femur Necrologio X LV1 x4
Jambe farfalla X LV1 x4
Femur farfalla X LV1 x4
Parabraccia Maccao X LV1 x4
Protezioni Maccao X LV1 x4
Elmo Vespoid X LV1 x1
Parabr. Vespoid X LV1 x1
Cappello Vespoid X LV1 x1
Protez. Vespoid X LV1 x1
Elmo Hornet X LV1 x1
Parabr. Hornet X LV1 x1
Cappello Hornet X LV1 x1
Protezioni Hornet X LV1 x1
Abito Bnahabra X LV1 x2
Spira Bnahabra X LV1 x1
Pettorina Bnahabra X LV1 x2
Fiancale Bnahabra X LV1 x1
Parabraccia Konchu X LV1 x2
Protezioni Konchu X LV1 x2
Elmo Gypceros X LV1 x3
Cotta Gypceros X LV1 x2
Schinieri Gypceros X LV1 x3
Cappello Gypceros X LV1 x3
Pettorina Gypceros X LV1 x2
Gambali Gypceros X LV1 x3
Elmo Volvidon X LV1 x3
Falda Volvidon X LV1 x2
Cappello Volvidon X LV1 x3
Fiancale Volvidon X LV1 x2
Elmo Khezu X LV1 x3
Cotta Khezu X LV1 x4
Cappello Khezu X LV1 x3
Pettorina Khezu X LV1 x4
Elmo Plesioth X LV1 x2
Parabr. Plesioth X LV1 x2
Cappello Plesioth X LV1 x2
Protez. Plesioth X LV1 x2
Cotta Nargacuga X LV1 x4
Pettor. Nargacuga X LV1 x4
Parabraccia Seltas X LV1 x3
Protezioni Seltas X LV1 x3
Schin. Brachydios GX LV1 x8
Gam. Brachydios GX LV1 x8
Scialle Loc Lac S LV12 x1
Kilt Loc Lac S LV12 x1
Stivali Loc Lac S LV12 x1
Cintura leggera S LV12 x1
Cappello Melahoa S LV12 x1
Giacca Melahoa S LV12 x1
Ramo Melahoa S LV12 x1
Foglie Melahoa S LV12 x1
Radici Melahoa S LV12 x1
Fiore Melahoa S LV12 x1
Stelo Melahoa S LV12 x1
Petalo Melahoa S LV12 x1
Tronco Melahoa S LV12 x1
Fittone Melahoa S LV12 x1
Cappello Melahoa U LV12 x1
Giacca Melahoa U LV12 x1
Ramo Melahoa U LV12 x1
Foglie Melahoa U LV12 x1
Radici Melahoa U LV12 x1
Fiore Melahoa U LV12 x1
Stelo Melahoa U LV12 x1
Petalo Melahoa U LV12 x1
Tronco Melahoa U LV12 x1
Fittone Melahoa U LV12 x1
Visiera Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Gabbia t. Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Rampicanti Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Foglie Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Radici Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Tesa Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Corazza Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Viticci Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Fronde Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Germogli Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Visiera Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Gabbia t. Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Rampicanti Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Foglie Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Radici Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Tesa Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Corazza Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Viticci Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Fronde Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Germogli Mosgharl S LV9 x1
Elmo Nerscylla LV9 x1
Cotta Nerscylla LV9 x1
Parabr. Nerscylla LV9 x1
Falda Nerscylla LV9 x1
Schinieri Nerscylla LV9 x1
Cappello Nerscylla LV9 x1
Pettorina Nerscylla LV9 x1
Protezioni Nerscylla LV9 x1
Fiancale Nerscylla LV9 x1
Gambali Nerscylla LV9 x1
Piuma cavaliere LV8 x1
Abito cavaliere LV8 x1
Guanti cavaliere LV8 x1
Fiancale cavaliere LV8 x1
Stivali cavaliere LV8 x1
Maschera cavaliere LV8 x1
Pettorina cavaliere LV8 x1
Maniche cavaliere LV8 x1
Kilt cavaliere LV8 x1
Calzam. cavaliere LV8 x1
Copricapo damigella S LV8 x1
Abito damigella S LV8 x1
Guanti damigella S LV8 x1
Gonna damigella S LV8 x1
Calze damigella S LV8 x1
Occhiali french maid S LV8 x1
Pettorina french maid S LV8 x1
Maniche french maid S LV8 x1
Frange french maid S LV8 x1
Calzam. french maid S LV8 x1
Scialle Loc Lac X LV7 x1
Kilt Loc Lac X LV7 x1
Stivali Loc Lac X LV7 x1
Visiera Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Gabbia t. Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Rampic. Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Foglie Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Radici Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Tesa Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Corazza Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Viticci Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Fronde Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Germogli Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Visiera Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Gabbia t. Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Rampic. Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Foglie Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Radici Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Tesa Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Corazza Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Viticci Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Fronde Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Germogli Mosgharl X LV6 x1
Elmo Vespoid X LV6 x2
Cotta Vespoid X LV6 x2
Parabr. Vespoid X LV6 x2
Falda Vespoid X LV6 x2
Schinieri Vespoid X LV6 x2
Cappello Vespoid X LV6 x2
Pettorina Vespoid X LV6 x2
Protez. Vespoid X LV6 x2
Fiancale Vespoid X LV6 x2
Gambali Vespoid X LV6 x2
Copricapo Bnahabra X LV6 x2
Abito Bnahabra X LV6 x2
Guanti Bnahabra X LV6 x2
Spira Bnahabra X LV6 x2
Stivali Bnahabra X LV6 x2
Tiara Bnahabra X LV6 x2
Pettorina Bnahabra X LV6 x2
Maniche Bnahabra X LV6 x2
Fiancale Bnahabra X LV6 x2
Pant. Bnahabra X LV6 x2

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