Straw Drumcannon
Firework canister technology adapted for a Heavy Bowgun. Great power if used safely.

Final upgrade of the Straw Drumcannon. It rains deadly shots down on unsuspecting prey.

Ratatat Drumcannon
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Straw Drumcannon.


Straw Drumcannon LV1 160
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 3 5 5 Rcv 3 0 Fir 0
Prc 4 3 3 Psn 0 0 Wat 0
Pel 4 5 4 Par 0 0 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 0 0 Ice 3
Cls 3 1 1 Exh 3 0 Dra 0
Exhaust S Lv1 [6]
Heavy S Lv1 [5]
Demon Aff S [1/5]
Armor S [1/5]
Heavy S Lv1 [2/8]
◯―― Rare 4
Straw Drumcannon LV2 190
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 4 6 6 Rcv 3 0 Fir 0
Prc 4 3 3 Psn 0 0 Wat 0
Pel 5 5 4 Par 0 0 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 0 0 Ice 4
Cls 3 1 1 Exh 3 0 Dra 0
Exhaust S Lv1 [6]
Heavy S Lv1 [5]
Demon Aff S [1/5]
Armor S [1/5]
Heavy S Lv1 [2/10]
◯―― Rare 4
Shirabeo LV3 200
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 5 7 7 Rcv 3 0 Fir 0
Prc 4 3 3 Psn 0 0 Wat 0
Pel 6 6 4 Par 0 0 Thn 0
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 0 0 Ice 5
Cls 3 1 1 Exh 3 0 Dra 0
Exhaust S Lv1 [6]
Heavy S Lv1 [5]
Demon Aff S [1/5]
Armor S [1/5]
Heavy S Lv1 [2/10]
Heavy S Lv2 [1/8]
◯―― Rare 4
Shirabeo LV4 250
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 6 7 7 Rcv 3 0 Fir 0
Prc 5 3 3 Psn 0 0 Wat 0
Pel 7 6 4 Par 0 0 Thn 0
Crg 2 1 1 Sle 0 0 Ice 5
Cls 3 1 1 Exh 3 0 Dra 0
Normal S Lv3 [15]
Exhaust S Lv1 [6]
Heavy S Lv1 [5]
Demon Aff S [1/5]
Armor S [1/5]
Heavy S Lv1 [2/12]
Heavy S Lv2 [1/10]
◯◯― Rare 4
Ratatat Drumcannon LV5 320
Reload: Average
Recoil: Avg.
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 7 8 8 Rcv 3 0 Fir 0
Prc 5 3 3 Psn 0 0 Wat 0
Pel 7 7 4 Par 0 0 Thn 0
Crg 3 1 1 Sle 0 0 Ice 5
Cls 3 2 1 Exh 3 0 Dra 0
Normal S Lv3 [15]
Exhaust S Lv1 [6]
Heavy S Lv1 [5]
Demon Aff S [1/5]
Armor S [1/5]
Heavy S Lv1 [3/15]
Heavy S Lv2 [2/10]
◯◯― Rare 4

Price Create Upgrade
Straw Drumcannon LV1
Straw Drumcannon LV2
Monteverde LV1
Shirabeo LV3
Shirabeo LV4
Ratatat Drumcannon LV5

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