Type 64 Multibow
A high-tech Bow designed for fighting flying wyverns. The Guild invested heavily in its R&D.

Scorpion Zinger
The final iteration of the Type 64 Multibow. It pierces dragon scales and castle walls with ease.

Scorpion Perforator
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Type 64 Multibow.


Type 64 Multibow LV1 100
Wat 10
Arc Shot: Focus
Rapid Lv1
Rapid Lv2
Rapid Lv3
Pierce Lv3
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
――― Rare 2
Type 64 Multibow LV2 120
Wat 15
Arc Shot: Focus
Rapid Lv2
Rapid Lv2
Rapid Lv3
Pierce Lv3
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
――― Rare 2
Type 64 Multibow LV3 150
Wat 17
Arc Shot: Focus
Rapid Lv2
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv3
Pierce Lv3
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
――― Rare 2
Type 64 Multibow LV4 170
Wat 19
Arc Shot: Focus
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv4
Pierce Lv3
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
――― Rare 2
Scorpion Zinger LV5 180
Wat 21
Arc Shot: Focus
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv4
Pierce Lv4
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
――― Rare 2
Scorpion Zinger LV6 240
Wat 22
Arc Shot: Focus
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv4
Rapid Lv4
Pierce Lv4
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
◯◯― Rare 2
Scorpion Zinger LV7 270
Wat 23
Arc Shot: Focus
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv4
Rapid Lv4
Pierce Lv4
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
◯◯◯ Rare 2
Scorpion Perforator LV8 290
Wat 24
Arc Shot: Focus
Rapid Lv3
Rapid Lv4
Rapid Lv4
Pierce Lv4
Pow1 Psn
Pow2 Par
Ele1 Sle
Ele2 Exh
CRan Bla
◯◯◯ Rare 2

Price Create Upgrade
Type 64 Multibow LV1
Brazencord LV1
Tigrex Archer LV1
Type 64 Multibow LV2
Type 64 Multibow LV3
Type 64 Multibow LV4
Scorpion Zinger LV5
Scorpion Zinger LV6
Scorpion Zinger LV7
Scorpion Perforator LV8

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