Ill Omen
The fate of those who face this weapon is like time itself -- there is no turning back.

Celestial Tempest
The final upgrade for the Ill Omen. Can control the fate of those around it.

Endless Sky
== Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Ill Omen.


Ill Omen LV1 210
Reload: Abv.Avg
Recoil: Some
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 7 8 9 Rcv 0 2 Fir 0
Prc 2 2 3 Psn 0 2 Wat 3
Pel 2 3 3 Par 0 1 Thn 3
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 0 1 Ice 0
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 0 2 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv2 [12]
Pellet S Lv2 [12]
Water S Lv1 [12]
Para S Lv2 [4]
Slicing S Lv1 [2/16]
Long S Lv2 [4/28]
Dazzling S [1/5]
Demon Armor S [1/5]
◯―― Rare 7
Ill Omen LV2 220
Reload: Abv.Avg
Recoil: Some
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 8 8 9 Rcv 0 2 Fir 0
Prc 2 2 3 Psn 0 2 Wat 4
Pel 2 3 3 Par 0 1 Thn 4
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 0 1 Ice 0
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 0 2 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv2 [12]
Pellet S Lv2 [12]
Water S Lv1 [12]
Para S Lv2 [4]
Slicing S Lv1 [2/16]
Long S Lv2 [4/36]
Dazzling S [1/5]
Demon Armor S [1/5]
◯―― Rare 7
Celestial Tempest LV3 230
Reload: Abv.Avg
Recoil: Some
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 9 8 9 Rcv 0 2 Fir 0
Prc 2 2 3 Psn 0 3 Wat 4
Pel 2 3 3 Par 0 1 Thn 4
Crg 1 1 1 Sle 0 1 Ice 0
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 0 2 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv2 [12]
Pellet S Lv2 [12]
Water S Lv1 [12]
Para S Lv2 [4]
Slicing S Lv1 [2/16]
Long S Lv2 [5/40]
Dazzling S [1/5]
Demon Armor S [1/5]
◯―― Rare 7
Celestial Tempest LV4 320
Reload: Abv.Avg
Recoil: Some
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 9 9 10 Rcv 0 2 Fir 0
Prc 3 3 4 Psn 0 3 Wat 5
Pel 2 4 3 Par 0 2 Thn 5
Crg 2 2 1 Sle 0 2 Ice 0
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 0 2 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv2 [12]
Pellet S Lv2 [12]
Water S Lv1 [12]
Para S Lv2 [4]
Slicing S Lv1 [3/18]
Long S Lv2 [5/45]
Dazzling S [1/5]
Demon Armor S [1/5]
◯―― Rare 7
Endless Sky LV5 350
Reload: Abv.Avg
Recoil: Some
Deviation: (None)

Nrm 9 10 10 Rcv 0 2 Fir 0
Prc 3 3 4 Psn 0 3 Wat 6
Pel 2 5 3 Par 0 2 Thn 6
Crg 3 2 1 Sle 0 2 Ice 0
Cls 1 1 1 Exh 0 2 Dra 0
Pierce S Lv2 [12]
Pellet S Lv2 [12]
Water S Lv1 [12]
Para S Lv2 [4]
Slicing S Lv1 [3/21]
Long S Lv2 [5/50]
Dazzling S [1/5]
Demon Armor S [1/5]
◯◯― Rare 7

Price Create Upgrade
Ill Omen LV1
Ill Omen LV2
Celestial Tempest LV3
Celestial Tempest LV4
Endless Sky LV5

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