
Ein Erz, das noch erforscht wird. Es liefert noch besse- res Metall als Drachenit.

Rare 6 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 680z Erz LV2

Village 7★ // Kometenjäger Reward1 x1 100%
Hub 4★ // Kristallknochen-Sammler Reward1 x1 100%
Hub 5★ // Eiskalte Steine Reward1 x1 15%
Hub 5★ // Energiekrise Reward1 x1 15%
Hub 5★ // Felsrutsch Sub x1 15%
Hub 6★ // Kohlenherz Reward1 x1 15%
Hub 6★ // Die Kohlen glühen noch Reward1 x1 15%
Hub 6★ // Gunst des großen Bruders Reward1 x1 15%
Village 8★ // Höhenpilz-Snack Sub x2 15%
Village 8★ // Zum Steinbeißen Sub x2 15%
Village 8★ // Zum Steinbeißen Reward1 x2 15%
Village 8★ // Vulkan-Dilemma Reward1 x2 15%
Hub 5★ // Abenteuer am Vulkan Sub x2 15%
Hub 5★ // Abenteuer am Vulkan Reward1 x2 15%
Hub 1★ DLC // The Legend of Zelda: Kraft Reward1 x2 15%
Village 7★ // Lasst mich durch, ich bin Erz Reward1 x1 13%
Hub 5★ // Energiekrise Reward2 x1 13%
Hub 6★ // Buchhaltung: Vulkanmulde Reward2 x1 13%
Village 7★ // Maccao-Provokation Reward2 x1 12%
Village 7★ // Furzer gegen Forscher Reward2 x1 12%
Village 7★ // Lasst mich durch, ich bin Erz Reward2 x1 12%
Village 7★ // Kometenjäger Reward1 x1 12%
Village 7★ // Wyvern-Ei-Lieferung: Frühstück Reward2 x1 12%
Village 7★ // Entbeerliche Geschäftsidee Reward1 x1 12%
Village 8★ // Höhenpilz-Snack Reward2 x1 12%
Village 8★ // Lichter der Vergangenheit Reward2 x1 12%
Village 8★ // Muschel-Schummel Reward2 x1 12%
Village 8★ // Wyvern-Ei-Lieferung: Mittagessen Reward2 x1 12%
Village 8★ // Fellgessene Düngermethode Sub x1 12%
Village 9★ // Fliege in der Dschungelsuppe Reward2 x1 12%
Hub 6★ // Quarzrivalen Reward1 x1 12%
Village 7★ // Zweite Pirscher-Besorgung Reward2 x1 12%
Village 8★ // Zauberhafte Zinne Reward2 x1 12%
Village 9★ // Arglose Neugier Reward2 x1 12%
Hub G2 // Schmied sucht Laufburschen Reward1 x2 12%
Hub G2 // Die große Erzentdeckung Reward1 x2 12%
Village 7★ // Genprey-Parade Reward2 x1 11%
Village 7★ // Buddelnde Bedrohung Reward2 x1 11%
Village 7★ // Entbeerliche Geschäftsidee Reward2 x1 11%
Village 10★ // Wyvern-Ei-Lieferung: Abendbrot Reward2 x1 11%
Village 8★ // Eier-Überraschung Reward2 x1 11%
Village 7★ // Erneuter Käfer-Appetit Reward2 x1 10%
Village 7★ // Schweres Gepäck Sub x1 10%
Village 7★ // Kapitalvernichter Reward2 x1 10%
Village 8★ // Maccao-Mimikry Sub x1 10%
Village 8★ // Fellgessene Düngermethode Reward2 x1 10%
Village 8★ // Hilferuf von der Ödnis-Insel Sub x1 10%
Village 9★ // Quest-Klau: Eierlauf Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 4★ // G.Maccao der Ahnensteppe Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 4★ // Pilzsuche in der Ahnensteppe Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 4★ // Kristallknochen-Sammler Reward1 x1 10%
Hub 4★ // Der Landhai Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 4★ // Bullfango-Brigade Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 4★ // Köstliche Weiße Lebern Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 4★ // Ein mächtiger Gegner Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 5★ // Buchhaltung: Ahnensteppe Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 6★ // Käferbiss Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 6★ // Jagdsaison auf Jaggia Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 4★ // Prüfungen vom Großmiauster Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 4★ // Jeder Katz ein Held sein! Reward2 x1 10%
Hub 1★ DLC // Eine heiße Sache Reward1 x1 10%
Hub G1 // Entbeerliche Geschäftsidee Reward2 x2 9%
Hub G1 // Wüstengrenze Reward2 x2 9%
Village 6★ // Fortg.: Spezialitätensuche Reward2 x1 8%
Village 8★ // Geköderter Angler Reward2 x1 8%
Hub 4★ // Neopteron-Netztour Reward2 x1 8%
Hub G1 // Unangenehme Überraschung Sub x2 8%
Village 9★ // Basarios-Brust-Zerstörer Reward1 x2 7%
Hub 4★ // Spritzer im Mondlicht Reward2 x1 6%
Village 7★ // Conga-Polonaise Reward2 x1 5%
Village 10★ // Hügel-Glückskätzchen Reward2 x1 5%
Hub 1★ DLC // Animal Crossing: Picknick Reward2 x1 5%
Hunters for Hire
Kristallknochen-Sammler Reward1 x1 100%
Kristallknochen-Sammler Reward2 x1 100%
Energiekrise Reward1 x1 17%
Energiekrise Reward2 x1 17%
Hitzeabbau Reward1 x1 17%
Hitzeabbau Reward2 x1 17%
Eiskalte Steine Reward1 x1 16%
Eiskalte Steine Reward2 x1 16%
Abenteuer am Vulkan Reward1 x2 16%
Abenteuer am Vulkan Reward2 x2 15%
Kristallknochen-Sammler Reward1 x1 10%
Kristallknochen-Sammler Reward2 x1 10%
High Rank Basarios Body Gather x1 60%
High Rank Basarios Tail Carve x1 40%
G Rank Congalala Shiny Drop x1 29%
High Rank Basarios Body Carve x1 23%
High Rank Basarios Shiny Drop x1 20%
G Rank Basarios Body Gather x1 13%
High Rank Basarios Wound Chest x1 55%
High Rank Basarios Wound Back x2 40%
High Rank Basarios Capture x2 28%
G Rank Gypceros Wound Head x2 6%
Low Rank JGrenzland/T Area8 2〜3 x1 15%
Low Rank Schneegeb/T Area9 2〜3 x1 20%
Low Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area3 2〜3 x1 20%
Low Rank Vulkan Area11 2〜3 x1 10%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area4 65% 2〜4 x1 25%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area4 35% 2〜4 x1 20%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area5 2〜4 x1 15%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area6 3〜4 x1 20%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 80% 2〜3 x1 25%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 65% 2〜3 x1 25%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 70% 2〜3 x1 25%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 2〜3 x1 20%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 20% 2〜3 x1 20%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 35% 2〜3 x1 20%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 30% 2〜3 x1 20%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area8 80% 2〜3 x1 25%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area8 20% 2〜3 x1 20%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area9 2〜4 x1 20%
Low Rank Ahnensteppe Area10 2〜3 x1 10%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area2 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 4〜4 x1 25%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 60% 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 65% 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 40% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 35% 3〜5 x1 5%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 35% 3〜5 x2 10%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area4 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area7 3〜5 x1 25%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 3〜5 x1 25%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 3〜5 x1 25%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 60% 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 40% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 2〜3 x1 15%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 60% 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 40% 3〜5 x1 5%
Low Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 40% 3〜5 x2 10%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area2 40% 3〜5 x1 35%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area2 60% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area3 40% 3〜5 x1 35%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area3 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area3 60% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area4 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area5 2〜3 x1 25%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area5 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area7 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area8 45% 3〜5 x1 35%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area8 55% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area9 3〜5 x1 25%
Low Rank Ur-Wald Area9 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area1 2〜4 x1 10%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area3 4〜6 x1 20%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area3 35% 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area3 65% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area4 2〜3 x1 20%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area4 35% 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area4 65% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area5 2〜3 x1 20%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area5 40% 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area5 60% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area6 30% 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area6 4〜6 x1 15%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area6 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area7 4〜6 x1 15%
Low Rank Frostseeweg Area9 4〜6 x1 15%
Low Rank Wüste Area3 4〜6 x1 25%
Low Rank Wüste Area3 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
Low Rank Wüste Area3 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Wüste Area4 4〜6 x1 25%
Low Rank Wüste Area6 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
Low Rank Wüste Area6 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Wüste Area11 2〜3 x1 15%
Low Rank Dschungel Area1 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Dschungel Area4 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Dschungel Area7 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Dschungel Area7 30% 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Dschungel Area7 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Dschungel Area8 30% 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Dschungel Area8 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Dschungel Area8 70% 3〜5 x1 15%
Low Rank Dschungel Area9 30% 3〜5 x1 20%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area2 30% 4〜6 x1 25%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area2 4〜6 x1 10%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area2 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area4 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area4 4〜6 x1 15%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area4 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area5 4〜6 x1 15%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area5 4〜6 x1 10%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 30% 4〜6 x1 25%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 4〜6 x1 10%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 3〜4 x1 10%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area8 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area8 4〜6 x1 15%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area8 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area9 5〜7 x1 25%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area9 30% 4〜6 x1 25%
Low Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area9 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area3 20% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area3 20% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area3 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area3 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area5 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area5 70% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area7 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area7 70% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area8 20% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area8 2〜3 x1 15%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area8 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area9 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area9 20% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area9 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area11 20% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank JGrenzland/T Area11 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 30% 3〜5 x1 17%
High Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 30% 3〜5 x1 17%
High Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 70% 3〜5 x1 8%
High Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 70% 3〜5 x1 8%
High Rank GrüneHügel/T Area6 30% 3〜5 x1 17%
High Rank GrüneHügel/T Area6 70% 3〜5 x1 8%
High Rank GrüneHügel/T Area9 30% 3〜5 x1 17%
High Rank GrüneHügel/T Area9 70% 3〜5 x1 8%
High Rank Schneegeb/T Area2 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Schneegeb/T Area3 20% 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Schneegeb/T Area3 80% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Schneegeb/T Area4 20% 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Schneegeb/T Area4 80% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Schneegeb/T Area6 20% 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Schneegeb/T Area6 80% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Schneegeb/T Area9 2〜3 x1 20%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area2 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area2 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area2 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area3 2〜3 x1 20%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area4 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area4 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area6 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area6 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area8 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area8 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Dünen Area1 2〜3 x1 10%
High Rank Dünen Area3 3〜4 x1 10%
High Rank Dünen Area4 80% 2〜3 x1 30%
High Rank Dünen Area4 2〜3 x1 10%
High Rank Dünen Area4 20% 3〜4 x1 5%
High Rank Dünen Area5 60% 3〜4 x1 30%
High Rank Dünen Area5 2〜3 x1 5%
High Rank Dünen Area5 40% 3〜4 x1 5%
High Rank Dünen Area7 80% 2〜3 x1 30%
High Rank Dünen Area7 2〜3 x1 10%
High Rank Dünen Area7 3〜4 x1 10%
High Rank Dünen Area7 20% 3〜4 x1 5%
High Rank Dünen Area10 70% 3〜4 x1 30%
High Rank Dünen Area10 2〜3 x1 5%
High Rank Dünen Area10 30% 3〜4 x1 5%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area1 20% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area1 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area4 20% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area4 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area4 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area4 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area6 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area7 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area8 20% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area8 80% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Ödnis-Insel Area10 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Marschland Area3 20% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank Marschland Area3 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Marschland Area3 80% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Marschland Area7 20% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank Marschland Area7 80% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area1 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area1 1〜1 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area2 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Vulkan Area2 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area2 1〜1 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area3 80% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area4 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Vulkan Area4 80% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area4 20% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area5 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area5 80% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area6 80% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area6 20% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area7 1〜1 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area8 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area8 1〜1 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area8 80% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area8 80% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area8 20% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area9 1〜1 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area9 40% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area9 60% 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area10 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area10 1〜1 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area10 40% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkan Area11 2〜3 x1 10%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area4 65% 2〜4 x1 25%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area4 35% 2〜4 x1 20%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area5 2〜4 x1 15%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area6 3〜4 x1 20%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 80% 2〜3 x1 25%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 65% 2〜3 x1 25%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 70% 2〜3 x1 25%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 2〜3 x1 20%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 20% 2〜3 x1 20%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 35% 2〜3 x1 20%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 30% 2〜3 x1 20%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area8 80% 2〜3 x1 25%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area8 20% 2〜3 x1 20%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area9 2〜4 x1 20%
High Rank Ahnensteppe Area10 2〜3 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area2 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 4〜4 x1 25%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 60% 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 65% 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 40% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 35% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area3 35% 3〜5 x2 10%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area4 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area7 3〜5 x1 25%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 3〜5 x1 25%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 3〜5 x1 25%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 60% 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area8 40% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 2〜3 x1 15%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 60% 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 40% 3〜5 x1 5%
High Rank Vulkanmulde Area9 40% 3〜5 x2 10%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area2 40% 3〜5 x1 35%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area2 60% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area3 40% 3〜5 x1 35%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area3 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area3 60% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area4 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area5 2〜3 x1 25%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area5 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area7 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area8 45% 3〜5 x1 35%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area8 55% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area9 3〜5 x1 25%
High Rank Ur-Wald Area9 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area1 2〜4 x1 10%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area3 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area3 35% 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area3 65% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area4 2〜3 x1 20%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area4 35% 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area4 65% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area5 2〜3 x1 20%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area5 40% 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area5 60% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area6 30% 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area6 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area6 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area7 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Frostseeweg Area9 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Wüste Area3 4〜6 x1 25%
High Rank Wüste Area3 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank Wüste Area3 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Wüste Area4 4〜6 x1 25%
High Rank Wüste Area6 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank Wüste Area6 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Wüste Area11 2〜3 x1 15%
High Rank Dschungel Area1 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Dschungel Area4 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Dschungel Area7 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Dschungel Area7 30% 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Dschungel Area7 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Dschungel Area8 30% 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Dschungel Area8 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Dschungel Area8 70% 3〜5 x1 15%
High Rank Dschungel Area9 30% 3〜5 x1 20%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area2 30% 4〜6 x1 25%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area2 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area2 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area4 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area4 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area4 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area5 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area5 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 30% 4〜6 x1 25%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 4〜6 x1 10%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 3〜4 x1 10%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area8 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area8 4〜6 x1 15%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area8 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area9 5〜7 x1 25%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area9 30% 4〜6 x1 25%
High Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area9 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area3 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area3 80% 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area3 80% 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area3 20% 4〜6 x1 5%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area3 20% 4〜6 x1 5%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area5 70% 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area5 30% 4〜6 x1 5%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area7 70% 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area7 30% 4〜6 x1 5%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area8 80% 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area8 20% 4〜6 x1 5%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area9 4〜6 x1 20%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area9 80% 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area9 20% 4〜6 x1 5%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area11 80% 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank JGrenzland/T Area11 20% 4〜6 x1 5%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 3〜5 x1 25%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 30% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area5 30% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area6 3〜5 x1 25%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area6 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area6 30% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area9 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area9 30% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank GrüneHügel/T Area11 2〜4 x1 15%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area2 4〜6 x1 25%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area2 80% 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area2 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area3 80% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area3 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area4 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area4 80% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area4 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area5 80% 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area5 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area6 80% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area6 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Schneegeb/T Area8 4〜8 x1 12%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area2 80% 3〜5 x1 15%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area2 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area2 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area3 2〜3 x1 10%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area4 80% 3〜5 x1 15%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area4 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area6 80% 3〜5 x1 15%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area6 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area8 4〜6 x1 20%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area8 80% 3〜5 x1 15%
G Rank Nebelgipfel/T Area8 20% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Dünen Area1 2〜3 x1 20%
G Rank Dünen Area3 3〜4 x1 20%
G Rank Dünen Area4 80% 2〜3 x1 25%
G Rank Dünen Area4 2〜3 x1 20%
G Rank Dünen Area4 20% 3〜4 x1 5%
G Rank Dünen Area5 60% 3〜4 x1 25%
G Rank Dünen Area5 2〜3 x1 5%
G Rank Dünen Area5 40% 3〜4 x1 5%
G Rank Dünen Area7 80% 2〜3 x1 25%
G Rank Dünen Area7 2〜3 x1 20%
G Rank Dünen Area7 3〜4 x1 20%
G Rank Dünen Area7 20% 3〜4 x1 5%
G Rank Dünen Area8 3〜5 x1 35%
G Rank Dünen Area10 70% 3〜4 x1 25%
G Rank Dünen Area10 2〜3 x1 5%
G Rank Dünen Area10 30% 3〜4 x1 5%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area1 80% 3〜5 x1 15%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area1 20% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area4 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area4 80% 3〜5 x1 15%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area4 20% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area4 3〜5 x1 5%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area6 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area7 3〜5 x1 20%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area8 80% 3〜5 x1 15%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area8 20% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Ödnis-Insel Area10 3〜5 x1 5%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area4 2〜4 x1 30%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area4 65% 2〜4 x1 20%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area4 35% 2〜4 x1 10%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area6 3〜4 x1 20%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 3〜4 x1 30%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 3〜4 x1 30%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 2〜3 x1 20%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 80% 2〜3 x1 20%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 65% 2〜3 x1 20%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 70% 2〜3 x1 20%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 20% 2〜3 x1 10%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 35% 2〜3 x1 10%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area7 30% 2〜3 x1 10%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area8 80% 2〜3 x1 20%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area8 20% 2〜3 x1 10%
G Rank Ahnensteppe Area9 2〜4 x1 20%
G Rank Ur-Wald Area2 60% 3〜5 x1 25%
G Rank Ur-Wald Area3 60% 3〜5 x1 25%
G Rank Ur-Wald Area3 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Ur-Wald Area4 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Ur-Wald Area5 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Ur-Wald Area7 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Ur-Wald Area8 55% 3〜5 x1 25%
G Rank Ur-Wald Area9 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Ur-Wald Area9 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Frostseeweg Area3 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Frostseeweg Area3 65% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Frostseeweg Area4 65% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Frostseeweg Area5 60% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Frostseeweg Area6 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Wüste Area3 4〜6 x1 25%
G Rank Wüste Area3 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
G Rank Wüste Area3 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Wüste Area4 4〜6 x1 25%
G Rank Wüste Area6 30% 4〜6 x1 20%
G Rank Wüste Area6 6〜8 x1 10%
G Rank Wüste Area6 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area2 4〜6 x1 20%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area2 30% 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area2 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area4 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area4 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area4 30% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area5 4〜6 x1 20%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area5 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 4〜6 x1 20%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 30% 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area7 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area8 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area8 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area8 30% 4〜6 x1 10%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area9 30% 4〜6 x1 15%
G Rank Zinne d. Ruinen Area9 70% 3〜5 x1 10%
Meownster Hunters
High Rank Wüste Stone Rare x1 60%
High Rank Küste Stone Normal x1 50%
High Rank Küste Stone Rare x2 50%
High Rank Wald Stone Rare x1 40%
High Rank Tundra Stone Rare x1 40%
High Rank Moor Stone Rare x1 40%
High Rank Vulkan Stone Normal x1 30%
High Rank Wüste Stone Normal x1 20%
G Rank Wald Stone Normal x2 20%
High Rank Vulkan Stone Rare x2 20%
G Rank Wald Stone Rare x3 20%
High Rank Wald Stone Normal x1 10%
High Rank Tundra Stone Normal x1 10%
High Rank Moor Stone Normal x1 10%

Dual Blades Eiskalte Geister LV1 Key x4
Dual Blades Wirbelwinde LV1 x5
Dual Blades Suzuka Takamaru LV1 x4
Dual Blades Rätsel-Doppelklingen LV1 x3
Dual Blades Doppeldolche LV8 x20
Charge Blade Wachen-Klinge LV1 Key x10
Charge Blade Barroth-Anker LV1 x10
Insect Glaive El-Dora-Zepter LV1 x4
Hunting Horn Schwerer Dudelsack LV1 Key x5
Hunting Horn Basarios-Fels LV1 x10
Heavy Bowgun Carrozza-Bazooka LV1 x5
Heavy Bowgun Felsfresser LV1 x6
Heavy Bowgun Meteor-Kanone LV5 x20
Light Bowgun Barro-Lauf LV1 x3
Light Bowgun Granatwerfer LV1 x10
Light Bowgun Überfall-Conga LV1 x3
Light Bowgun Titanenwerfer LV1 x4
Light Bowgun Kürbisschuss LV1 x8
Long Sword Notos LV1 x15
Great Sword Aufschlitzklinge LV1 x3
Great Sword Katzenseele LV1 Key x3
Great Sword Wächter LV6 x20
Sword & Shield Rajang-Knüppel LV1 x6
Hammer Faust des Zorns LV1 Key x15
Hammer Eisenschläger LV1 Key x6
Hammer BeschleunigterHammer LV1 x6
Hammer Gigatonnen-Hammer LV1 x10
Hammer Basarios-Hieb LV1 x3
Hammer Schalenhammer LV1 x10
Hammer Mähnentücke LV1 x4
Lance Knappenspeer LV1 Key x6
Lance Schocklanze LV1 Key x10
Lance Robuste Lanze LV1 x10
Lance Giftlanze LV1 x10
Switch Axe General-Starkaxt LV1 Key x6
Switch Axe Bernsteinhieb LV1 x5
Gunlance General-Arbalanze LV1 x8
Gunlance Mister Blut LV1 x6
Gunlance Schlafsprenger LV1 x10
Dual Blades Versteinerte Dolche LV6 x4
Dual Blades Obsidiandolche LV2 x2
Dual Blades Eiskalte Geister LV1 x6
Dual Blades Zwillingsdolche LV6 x2
Dual Blades Doppeldolche LV10 x10
Dual Blades Orkane LV4 x5
Dual Blades Orkane LV5 x15
Dual Blades Zyklon LV7 x15
Dual Blades Doppelbeile LV3 x4
Dual Blades Tornado-Beile LV1 x15
Dual Blades Rex-Schneider LV2 x4
Dual Blades Doppelspieße LV4 x3
Dual Blades Khezu-Dolche LV4 x10
Dual Blades Himmelblaue Äxte LV4 x4
Dual Blades Wirbelwinde LV3 x8
Dual Blades Morgendämmerungen LV3 x5
Dual Blades HochwZwillingsdolche LV1 x15
Dual Blades Silhouettendolche LV4 x20
Dual Blades Reines Yukumo-Duo LV2 x8
Dual Blades Wykademie-Klingen LV3 x10
Dual Blades Benebelbiere LV3 x4
Charge Blade Versteinerter Schläger LV6 x4
Charge Blade Obsidianschläger LV2 x2
Charge Blade Elite-Klinge LV6 x5
Charge Blade Schwarzwächter LV4 x5
Charge Blade Wachen-Klinge LV1 x6
Charge Blade Wachen-Klinge LV2 x12
Charge Blade Wachen-Klinge LV3 x12
Charge Blade Tigrex-Teiler LV2 x6
Charge Blade Schurken-Axt LV5 x3
Charge Blade Horror-Zofar LV4 x5
Charge Blade Schneeschleier LV4 x5
Charge Blade Knochenklinge LV6 x4
Charge Blade Wächterklinge LV4 x5
Charge Blade Wüstenfall LV4 x5
Charge Blade Axela-Klinge LV3 x6
Charge Blade Pizzaxt LV3 x3
Charge Blade Kuschelkatze LV3 x4
Charge Blade Barroth-Anker LV1 x5
Charge Blade Enigma-Energieklinge LV3 x15
Insect Glaive Versteinerter Stab LV6 x4
Insect Glaive Obsidianstab LV2 x2
Insect Glaive Daunenstab LV4 x3
Insect Glaive Blitzkammer LV4 x6
Insect Glaive Eisenbajonett LV6 x2
Insect Glaive Tiefblaue Glefe LV2 x4
Insect Glaive Insektenhippe LV3 x8
Insect Glaive Astalos-Knüppel LV3 x6
Insect Glaive Fuchs-Hellebarde LV3 x5
Hunting Horn Versteinertes Horn LV6 x4
Hunting Horn Obsidianhorn LV2 x2
Hunting Horn Eisenhorn LV6 x3
Hunting Horn Windhorn LV9 x5
Hunting Horn Agnakdion LV1 x5
Hunting Horn Walküren-Töner LV5 x5
Hunting Horn Metall-Dudelsack LV5 x5
Hunting Horn Schwerer Dudelsack LV1 x3
Hunting Horn Wildgrunzer LV6 x5
Hunting Horn Zurogong II LV7 x10
Hunting Horn Kecha-Pocher LV1 x10
Hunting Horn Gestreiftes Dragonga LV2 x5
Hunting Horn Bergbrecher LV1 x5
Hunting Horn Kasperlharfe LV4 x5
Hunting Horn Dichterglocke LV3 x5
Hunting Horn Reine Yukumo-Flöte LV2 x8
Hunting Horn Bherna-Glocke LV3 x4
Heavy Bowgun Versteinerte Kanone LV6 x4
Heavy Bowgun Königinnenweitschuss LV1 x8
Heavy Bowgun Greifenangriff LV1 x5
Heavy Bowgun Wüstentaucher LV7 x5
Heavy Bowgun Tigrex-Geheul LV2 x5
Heavy Bowgun Tankmage LV4 x10
Heavy Bowgun Schnellstreuer LV1 x10
Heavy Bowgun Flechette-Gewehr LV2 x3
Heavy Bowgun Meteor-Bazooka LV4 x5
Heavy Bowgun Meteor-Kanone LV5 x20
Heavy Bowgun Meteor-Kanone LV6 x10
Heavy Bowgun Meteor-Knacker LV1 x5
Heavy Bowgun Meteorschauer LV4 x10
Heavy Bowgun Schläger-Bogengewehr LV2 x15
Heavy Bowgun Typ-46-Tarngewehr LV4 x3
Heavy Bowgun Thronräuber-Beben LV2 x5
Heavy Bowgun Arzuros-Gewehr LV1 x5
Heavy Bowgun Reines Yukumo-Gewehr LV2 x8
Heavy Bowgun Aquamatik "Schinder" LV2 x10
Heavy Bowgun Aquamat. "Feuerhieb" LV4 x20
Heavy Bowgun Felsfresser LV1 x8
Light Bowgun Obsidianknarre LV2 x2
Light Bowgun Walkürenfeuer LV6 x5
Light Bowgun Jägerbüchse LV6 x3
Light Bowgun ThronräubrVerbrechen LV2 x3
Light Bowgun Khezu-Spritze LV3 x5
Light Bowgun Flinte (Albit) LV5 x5
Light Bowgun Flinte (Rubin) LV1 x5
Light Bowgun Wirbel LV1 x5
Light Bowgun Astalos-Gewehr LV2 x5
Light Bowgun Brennende Antwort LV2 x5
Light Bowgun Reiner Yukumo-Schuss LV1 x8
Light Bowgun Bestienbüchse LV2 x5
Light Bowgun Granatwerfer LV1 x8
Light Bowgun Titanenwerfer LV1 x6
Long Sword Versteinerter Säbel LV6 x4
Long Sword Obsidiansäbel LV2 x2
Long Sword Kaiserliches Schwert LV6 x10
Long Sword Kettenschlächter LV1 x8
Long Sword Eisen-Katana LV6 x3
Long Sword Eifriges Hackbeil LV4 x5
Long Sword Eifriges Hackbeil LV5 x12
Long Sword Donnerschlag LV3 x5
Long Sword Yuki Ichimonji LV1 x5
Long Sword Flüssige Feuerklinge LV1 x8
Long Sword Blango-Dezimator LV3 x3
Long Sword Wyvern-Blitz LV3 x6
Long Sword Reines Yukumo-Schwert LV2 x8
Long Sword Käsemesser LV3 x3
Long Sword Muufah-Stab LV3 x5
Long Sword Notos LV1 x10
Great Sword Versteinerte Klinge LV6 x4
Great Sword Obsidianklinge LV2 x2
Great Sword Hellebarde LV3 x5
Great Sword Entscheider LV1 x5
Great Sword Bestrafer LV4 x10
Great Sword Verteidiger LV4 x5
Great Sword Wächter LV7 x6
Great Sword Barbaroi-Klinge LV4 x5
Great Sword Eisenschwert LV6 x3
Great Sword Karbalit-Schwert LV10 x10
Great Sword Verwüsterklinge LV3 x4
Great Sword Verwüsterklinge LV4 x6
Great Sword Wütende Klinge LV7 x10
Great Sword Schmetterschwert LV5 x3
Great Sword Skraga LV4 x5
Great Sword Nächtliches Falx LV4 x5
Great Sword Hanayako Yohino LV3 x5
Great Sword Reine Yukumo-Schneide LV2 x8
Great Sword Käsemixer LV4 x5
Great Sword Schwarzgürtelklinge LV3 x1
Sword & Shield Versteinertes Schwert LV6 x4
Sword & Shield Obsidianschwert LV2 x2
Sword & Shield Frostschneide LV3 x3
Sword & Shield Shura-Fächer LV4 x5
Sword & Shield Jägermesser LV6 x3
Sword & Shield Kämpferschwert LV9 x4
Sword & Shield Jägerdolch LV4 x5
Sword & Shield Baumfäller LV1 x5
Sword & Shield Lavaspieß LV4 x10
Sword & Shield Soldatendolch LV4 x3
Sword & Shield Khezu-Rasiermesser LV3 x5
Sword & Shield Knochen-Kris LV6 x1
Sword & Shield Müdes Flossenschwert LV2 x5
Sword & Shield Himmelsschwert LV3 x8
Sword & Shield Grüner Degen LV3 x6
Sword & Shield Kirin-Bolzen Ultimus LV3 x4
Sword & Shield ReinerYukumoSchneider LV2 x8
Sword & Shield Schwarzgürtelschwert LV3 x1
Sword & Shield Rückenpanzerkeule LV1 x5
Hammer Versteinerter Hammer LV6 x4
Hammer Obsidianhammer LV2 x2
Hammer Faust des Zorns LV1 x12
Hammer Große Nova LV3 x8
Hammer Eisenhammer LV6 x5
Hammer Eisenteufel LV9 x10
Hammer Teufelsstampfer LV2 x5
Hammer Teufelsstampfer LV3 x12
Hammer Ambosshammer LV3 x5
Hammer Ansturm LV6 x20
Hammer Gepanzerter Hammer LV6 x4
Hammer Kriegshammer LV4 x5
Hammer Kriegsstampfer LV1 x15
Hammer Endkampf LV5 x30
Hammer Eisenschläger LV1 x4
Hammer Eisenschläger LV3 x8
Hammer Schusshammer LV3 x8
Hammer Stachlige Ehre LV7 x22
Hammer Stachlige Ehre LV8 x10
Hammer Eiskern LV4 x5
Hammer Cyclo-Hammer LV4 x5
Hammer Jupiters Kugel LV1 x5
Hammer Ceanataurkopf-Axt LV3 x5
Hammer Horrortasche LV3 x8
Hammer SchwererKnochenknppl LV7 x10
Hammer Plesioth-Kopf LV2 x5
Hammer Smaragdschläger LV3 x6
Hammer Reiner Yukumo-Hammer LV2 x8
Hammer Ankerbrecher LV4 x20
Hammer Hafenzeichen LV2 x10
Hammer Stolz von Harth LV2 x15
Hammer Schwarzgürtelhammer LV3 x1
Hammer Gigatonnen-Hammer LV1 x5
Hammer Schalenhammer LV1 x8
Hammer Gefängnishammer LV1 x5
Hammer Schmied LV1 x20
Hammer Kristallnova LV2 x20
Hammer Kristallnova LV3 x10
Lance Versteinerte Lanze LV6 x4
Lance Obsidianlanze LV2 x2
Lance Kreuz-Coloris LV3 x4
Lance Boros-Speer LV1 x5
Lance Naag-Schlangenklinge LV3 x8
Lance Eisenlanze LV6 x3
Lance Jahrtausendlanze LV9 x5
Lance Knappenspeer LV1 x5
Lance Paladinlanze LV3 x3
Lance Babel-Speer LV1 x5
Lance Knurrende Wyvern LV1 x5
Lance Knurrende Wyvern LV2 x12
Lance Knurrende Wyvern LV3 x12
Lance Brüllende Wyvern LV4 x15
Lance Brüllende Wyvern LV5 x8
Lance Lehnslanze LV5 x5
Lance Acrus-Lanze LV3 x5
Lance Stahlritter-Dorn LV3 x12
Lance Stahlritter-Dorn LV4 x15
Lance Bohrlanze LV4 x5
Lance Bohrlanze LV5 x12
Lance Aquaspeer LV1 x6
Lance Typ-43-Drachenlanze LV3 x7
Lance Volvidon-Hieb LV4 x4
Lance Grünschwanz LV3 x6
Lance Reine Yukumo-Lanze LV2 x8
Lance Frontreiter-Lanze LV3 x5
Lance Duft LV3 x4
Lance Plegis-Nadel LV3 x10
Lance Schwarzgürtellanze LV3 x1
Lance Robuste Lanze LV1 x5
Lance Funkenstecker LV1 x8
Lance Schocklanze LV1 x5
Bow Versteinerter Bogen LV6 x4
Bow Thronräuber-Keilerei LV2 x3
Bow Jäger-Kraftbogen LV6 x5
Bow Herold-Kampfbogen LV3 x20
Bow Kristallblüte LV3 x5
Bow Elfenbeinbogen LV2 x5
Bow Reiner Yukumo-Bogen LV2 x8
Switch Axe Versteinerte Axt LV6 x4
Switch Axe Obsidianaxt LV2 x2
Switch Axe Schwerer Teiler LV1 x8
Switch Axe Eisenaxt LV6 x3
Switch Axe Zaren-Morph-Axt LV6 x10
Switch Axe General-Starkaxt LV1 x12
Switch Axe Drachenmagdaxt LV4 x4
Switch Axe Der Schredder LV3 x5
Switch Axe Traumfänger LV4 x3
Switch Axe Scherenaxt LV3 x5
Switch Axe Knochenaxt LV6 x3
Switch Axe RathaFlammenentzweir LV2 x5
Switch Axe Lebewohl LV3 x5
Switch Axe Reine Yukumo-Axt LV2 x8
Switch Axe Gouda-Axt LV3 x3
Switch Axe Wykademie-Axt LV3 x10
Switch Axe Arktis-Kante LV3 x6
Switch Axe Grimmsekatze LV3 x4
Switch Axe Bernsteinhieb LV1 x3
Gunlance Versteinerte Gewlanze LV6 x4
Gunlance Obsidian-Gewehrlanze LV2 x2
Gunlance Meeresfischer LV1 x6
Gunlance Eisengewehrlanze LV6 x3
Gunlance Eizenlitter LV9 x10
Gunlance Schläger-Gewehrlanze LV4 x5
Gunlance General-Arbalanze LV2 x10
Gunlance Admiral-Arbalanze LV5 x10
Gunlance Roter Turm LV2 x5
Gunlance Antike Wirbellanze LV2 x5
Gunlance Schurken-Gewehrlanze LV5 x4
Gunlance Arya Gadda LV1 x4
Gunlance Prinzessinnenzier LV4 x5
Gunlance Rückgrat-Sprenger LV3 x5
Gunlance Fiore Nulo LV4 x4
Gunlance Ukiyo no Yamiwo LV3 x5
Gunlance ReineYukumoGewehrlnz LV2 x8
Gunlance Wykademie-Gewehrlanze LV3 x10
Gunlance Kamak-Gewehrlanze LV3 x8
Gunlance Felyoshka LV2 x5
Gunlance Popcornkanone LV2 x3
Gunlance Barroth-Lader LV1 x5
Gunlance Schlafsprenger LV1 x5
Leder-Helm S LV1 x1
Leder-Panzer S LV1 x1
Leder-Beinzeug S LV1 x1
Leder-Kappe S LV1 x1
Leder-Weste S LV1 x1
Leder-Waffenrock S LV1 x1
Ketten-Helm S LV1 Key x1
Ketten-Rüstung S LV1 Key x2
Ketten-Armschienen S LV1 Key x2
Ketten-Beinzeug S LV1 Key x1
KettenBeinschienen S LV1 Key x2
Ketten-Kappe S LV1 Key x1
Ketten-Weste S LV1 Key x2
Ketten-Armschutz S LV1 Key x2
Ketten-Waffenrock S LV1 Key x1
Ketten-Gamaschen S LV1 Key x2
Jagdhelm S LV1 Key x2
Jagdpanzer S LV1 Key x2
Jagd-Armschienen S LV1 Key x2
Jagd-Beinzeug S LV1 Key x2
Jagd-Beinschienen S LV1 Key x2
Jagdkappe S LV1 Key x2
Jagdweste S LV1 Key x2
Jagdarmschutz S LV1 Key x2
Jagdwaffenrock S LV1 Key x2
Jagdgamaschen S LV1 Key x2
Yukumo-Obi Luft LV1 x2
Yukumo-Obi Land LV1 x2
Jäger-Beinzeug S LV1 Key x3
Jäger-Waffenrock S LV1 Key x3
Eisengürtel S LV1 Key x2
Silberne Metallstiefel LV1 Key x3
Silberne Füße LV1 Key x3
Eichelhelm S LV1 Key x3
Eichelpanzer S LV1 Key x3
Eichelkappe S LV1 Key x3
Eichelweste S LV1 Key x3
Muufah-Kopf S LV1 x6
Muufah-Perücke S LV1 x6
Velociprey-Kopf S LV1 x5
Velociprey-Maske S LV1 x5
Giaprey-Kopf LV1 x5
Giaprey-Maske LV1 x5
Genprey-Kopf S LV1 x5
Genprey-Maske S LV1 x5
Ioprey-Kopf S LV1 x5
Ioprey-Maske S LV1 x5
Jaggi-Armpanzer S LV1 x2
Jaggi-Handschuhe S LV1 x2
Rhenoplos-Panzer S LV1 x2
RhenoplosBeinschienS LV1 x2
Rhenoplos-Weste S LV1 x2
RhenoplosGamaschen S LV1 x2
Jaggi-Helm S LV1 x2
Jaggi-Panzer S LV1 x2
Jaggi-Armschienen S LV1 x2
Jaggi-Kappe S LV1 x2
Jaggi-Weste S LV1 x2
Jaggi-Armschutz S LV1 x2
Uroktor-Beinzeug S LV1 x3
Uroktor-Waffenrock S LV1 x3
Maccao-Panzer S LV1 x5
Maccao-Beinschienen S LV1 x3
Maccao-Weste S LV1 x5
Maccao-Gamaschen S LV1 x3
Velociprey-Helm S LV1 x3
Velociprey-Kappe S LV1 x3
Giaprey-Helm S LV1 x3
Giaprey-Kappe S LV1 x3
Genprey-Helm S LV1 x3
GenpreyArmschienen S LV1 x2
Genprey-Kappe S LV1 x3
Genprey-Armschutz S LV1 x2
Ioprey-Panzer S LV1 x6
Ioprey-Armschienen S LV1 x4
Ioprey-Weste S LV1 x6
Ioprey-Armschutz S LV1 x4
Konchu-Helm S LV1 x1
Konchu-Kappe S LV1 x1
CephalosArmschienenS LV1 x5
Cephalos-Beinzeug S LV1 x5
Cephalos-Armschutz S LV1 x5
CephalosWaffenrock S LV1 x5
Gypceros-Beinzeug S LV1 x4
GypcerosWaffenrock S LV1 x4
Hermitaur-Helm S LV1 x3
HermitaurArmschinenS LV1 x2
Hermitaur-Kappe S LV1 x3
HermitaurArmschutz S LV1 x2
Legierungs-Helm S LV1 x3
Legierungs-Panzer S LV1 x2
LegierungsArmschienS LV1 x3
LegierungsHüftring S LV1 x2
LegierungsBeinschinS LV1 x3
Legierungs-Kappe S LV1 x3
Legierungs-Weste S LV1 x2
LegierungsArmschutzS LV1 x3
LegierungsWaffenrckS LV1 x2
LegierungsGamaschenS LV1 x3
Guss-Panzer S LV1 x3
Guss-Hüftring S LV1 x3
Guss-Weste S LV1 x3
Guss-Waffenrock S LV1 x3
Hochmetall-Helm U LV1 x2
Hochmetall-Panzer U LV1 x2
HochmetallArmschienU LV1 x2
HochmetallBeinzeug U LV1 x2
HochmetallBeinschinU LV1 x2
Hochmetall-Kappe U LV1 x2
Hochmetall-Weste U LV1 x2
HochmetallArmschutzU LV1 x2
HochmetallWaffenrckU LV1 x2
HochmetallGamaschenU LV1 x2
Rosa Metallstiefel LV1 x8
Rosa Metallfüße LV1 x8
Basarios-Beinschienen LV1 x3
Basarios-Gamaschen LV1 x3
MalfestioArmschienS LV1 x3
MalfestioBeinschienS LV1 x2
Malfestio-Armschutz S LV1 x3
Malfestio-Gamaschen S LV1 x2
Khezu-Armschienen S LV1 x2
Khezu-Beinschienen S LV1 x3
Khezu-Armschutz S LV1 x2
Khezu-Gamaschen S LV1 x3
Ceanataur-Panzer S LV1 x4
Ceanataur-Weste S LV1 x4
Garuga-Beinzeug S LV1 x2
Garuga-Waffenrock S LV1 x2
Gelehrten-Barett LV1 x5
Gelehrten-Bluse LV1 x5
Gelehrten-Handschuhe LV1 x5
Gelehrten-Rock LV1 x5
Gelehrten-Socken LV1 x5
Gelehrten-Kappe LV1 x5
Gelehrten-Weste LV1 x5
Gelehrten-Ärmel LV1 x5
Gelehrten-Minirock LV1 x5
Gelehrten-Sandalen LV1 x5
ArtianBeinschienen S LV1 x6
Artian-Gamaschen S LV1 x6
Artian-Beinschienen R LV1 x12
Artian-Gamaschen R LV1 x12
Lagiacrus-Beinzeug S LV1 x4
LagiacrusWaffenrockS LV1 x4
AstalosBeinschienen S LV1 x5
Astalos-Gamaschen S LV1 x5
Tigrex-Armschienen S LV1 x5
Tigrex-Armschutz S LV1 x5
Gildenbarden-Lobos S LV1 x5
GildenbardenBolero S LV1 x5
GildenbardenArmschiS LV1 x5
GildenbardenHüftrngS LV1 x5
GildenbardenStiefelS LV1 x5
Gildenbarden-Hut S LV1 x5
Gildenbarden-Weste S LV1 x5
Gildenbarden-Ärmel S LV1 x5
GildenbardWaffenrckS LV1 x5
GildenbardenStulpenS LV1 x5
Kushala-Cista S LV1 x4
Kushala-Vise S LV1 x4
Ketten-Helm X LV1 x5
Ketten-Rüstung X LV1 x2
Ketten-Armschienen X LV1 x5
Ketten-Beinzeug X LV1 x2
Ketten-Kappe X LV1 x5
Ketten-Weste X LV1 x2
Ketten-Armschutz X LV1 x5
Ketten-Waffenrock X LV1 x2
Jäger-Beinzeug X LV1 x10
Jäger-Waffenrock X LV1 x10
Jäger-Helm XR LV1 x10
Jäger-Armschienen XR LV1 x10
Jäger-Beinschienen XR LV1 x10
Jäger-Kappe XR LV1 x10
Jäger-Armschutz XR LV1 x10
Jäger-Gamaschen XR LV1 x10
Trapper-Armpanzer X LV1 x6
Trapper-Beinschienen X LV1 x6
Trapper-Handschuhe X LV1 x6
Trapper-Stiefel X LV1 x6
HochmetallBeinzeug Z LV1 x10
HochmetallWaffenrckZ LV1 x10
Artian-Armschienen X LV1 x10
ArtianBeinschienen X LV1 x8
Artian-Armschutz X LV1 x10
Artian-Gamaschen X LV1 x8
Jaggi-Beinzeug X LV1 x4
Jaggi-Beinschienen X LV1 x4
Jaggi-Waffenrock X LV1 x4
Jaggi-Gamaschen X LV1 x4
Maccao-Beinzeug X LV1 x5
Maccao-Waffenrock X LV1 x5
Velociprey-Panzer X LV1 x4
VelocipreyArmschienX LV1 x2
Velociprey-Weste X LV1 x4
VelocipreyArmschutzX LV1 x2
Giaprey-Beinzeug X LV1 x4
Giaprey-Waffenrock X LV1 x4
GenpreyBeinschienenX LV1 x5
Genprey-Gamaschen X LV1 x5
Vespoid-Helm X LV1 x3
Vespoid-ArmschienenX LV1 x3
Vespoid-Beinzeug X LV1 x3
Vespoid-Kappe X LV1 x3
Vespoid-Armschutz X LV1 x3
Vespoid-Waffenrock X LV1 x3
Hornetaur-ArmschinenX LV1 x5
Hornetaur-Armschutz X LV1 x5
Mosswine-Weste X LV1 x3
Mosswine-Hüfte X LV1 x3
Cephalos-Helm X LV1 x10
Cephalos-KappeX LV1 x10
Cephalos-Helm GX LV1 x15
Cephalos-Panzer GX LV1 x10
Cephalos-Kappe GX LV1 x15
Cephalos-Weste GX LV1 x10
Conga-Beinschienen X LV1 x4
Conga-Gamaschen X LV1 x4
Malfestio-Panzer X LV1 x5
Malfestio-Beinzeug X LV1 x5
Malfestio-Weste X LV1 x5
Malfestio-WaffenrockX LV1 x5
Khezu-Helm X LV1 x8
Khezu-Kappe X LV1 x8
PlesiothBeinschinenX LV1 x5
Plesioth-Gamaschen X LV1 x5
MizutsuneBeinschienX LV1 x6
Mizutsune-GamaschenX LV1 x6
Glavenus-Helm X LV1 x5
Glavenus-Kappe X LV1 x5
BrachydiosBeinschinX LV1 x5
BrachydiosGamaschnX LV1 x5
Eichelhelm LV8 x2
Eichelpanzer LV8 x2
Eichelkappe LV8 x2
Eichelweste LV8 x2
Gildenbarden-Lobos LV10 x2
Gildenbarden-Bolero LV10 x2
GildenbardenArmschin LV10 x2
GildenbardenHüftring LV10 x2
Gildenbarden-Stiefel LV10 x2
Gildenbarden-Hut LV10 x2
Gildenbarden-Weste LV10 x2
Gildenbarden-Ärmel LV10 x2
GildenbardWaffenrock LV10 x2
Gildenbarden-Stulpen LV10 x2
Magd-Hut LV10 x2
Magd-Gewand LV10 x2
Magd-Handschuhe LV10 x2
Magd-Rock LV10 x2
Magd-Socken LV10 x2
Hausmagd-Brille LV10 x2
Hausmagd-Weste LV10 x2
Hausmagd-Ärmel LV10 x2
Hausmagd-Rüschen LV10 x2
Hausmagd-Strumpfhose LV10 x2
Eichelhelm S LV4 x1
Eichelpanzer S LV4 x1
Eichelkappe S LV4 x1
Eichelweste S LV4 x1
Gildenbarden-Lobos S LV5 x2
GildenbardenBolero S LV5 x2
GildenbardenArmschiS LV5 x2
GildenbardenHüftrngS LV5 x2
GildenbardenStiefelS LV5 x2
Gildenbarden-Hut S LV5 x2
Gildenbarden-Weste S LV5 x2
Gildenbarden-Ärmel S LV5 x2
GildenbardWaffenrckS LV5 x2
GildenbardenStulpenS LV5 x2

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